On Oct. 3, 2018, TEASE – Transatlantic Exhibition of Art in the Southeast opened its third exhibition tour which takes place every two years.
German and American Artists are invited to join this spectacular tour free of charge. It started on the new German national holiday Day of German Reunification at the most elegant Elder Gallery. |
The tour was supported by the Deutschlandjahr Campaign and ran under the logo of "Wunderbar Together”
Klaus Becker, Chairman of The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation, thanked the Curator Johanna Steinz for having orchestrated a perfect artists’ tour.
People were mesmerized by the pictures. This one was painted and exhibited by Prof. Isaac Payne, member of the TEASE–Transatlantic Exhibition of Art in the Southeast Tour.
Christian Ristau, Sonya Pfeiffer, Isaac Payne, Terry Thirion, Kirsten Ristau, Johanna Steinz, Klaus Becker, Regine Bechtler