In Uphal, Schloss Plüschow was a beautiful space for the exhibition.
The American TEASE team, ready to go in Frankfurt on June 2: MyLoan Dinh, Zaire McPhearson, Esther Moorehead and Johanna Steinz- Curator and Organizer of the art project
Schloss Plüschow, welcoming port of destination, the original source of information, cooperation and excellent partner in the staging of the first vernissage.
Johanna Steinz, Curator of the TEASE– Transatlantic Exhibition of Art in the Southeast, and Chronicler Hannes Kleinschmidt
Klaus Becker, Chairman of The N.C. Zeitgeist Foundation and Ukrainian artist Daria Gabruk
Zaire McPhearson explaining her art….
Jaquceline Duhr commenting on her enchanting digital artwork (assisted by her very personal assistant….)
Johanna Steinz explaining the secrets of Esther Moorehead’s secret ink….
The Sneak-Preview on Saturday permitted the sponsors a first glance at the exhibition.
A Dinner was prepared in Schloss Plüschow to thank the generous sponsors of the artists’ tour.
Miro Zahra, the Good Spirit of Schloss Plüschow, and Udo Rathke, Chairman of the Förderkreis Schloss Plüschow e.V., together with Zaire McPhearson, enjoying home-made Borshtsh.
The Vernissage on Sunday – An interchange of explanations, questions and opinions evolved….
Pauline Stopp’s turn to explain her take on ‘Encounters’
MyLoan Dinh explaining her art and the peculiarities of the Gingko and its role for the artists’ tour….